Scott Hoffman

Scott Hoffman Trustee

While living the first 30 years of my life, I enjoyed the usual things young kids do while growing up. Having an incredibly supportive, loving family and friends, I grew up somewhat normal; skiing, camping, and cycling. My ski racing skills excelled to the point of being named to our United States Ski Team at the age of 16. I enjoyed a long ski racing career that included years as a successful pro ski racer, a Member of the US Ski Team, and a NCAA National Champion. After retiring from ski racing, I struggled with new found addictions, drugs and alcohol. My life spiraled down a path from which I thought I could never escape. My entitlement issues from being successful, coupled with the desire, and dedication to being just that, led to my demise. After spending a year in prison, I emerged sober and with a new inner peace. I have dedicated my life to giving back to society, the skiing community, and people who are currently fighting to overcome their own addictions.

I truly hope you may find what so many of us have!






Tyler Larsen
Board of Directors – President

Tyler Johnson Volunteer for Addiction halfway house in Utah
I grew up with hard-working parents that would do anything for me. I was involved in many sports, Baseball, Basketball, and Skiing. BMX racing was my passion. I had dreams of becoming a pro BMX racer, but my future took me in a different direction.

My introduction to drugs and alcohol started at 15 years old. At the age of 16, I tried Marijuana. I thought, I am an all-star athlete, I could handle it. Once turned into several times. It soon became clear that I was hooked. Over the years, I continued to spiral down into the disease of addiction, spending years under the influence of methamphetamine.

Because of addiction, I did a lot of things that I am not proud of. I missed out on many moments and memories with my 3 beautiful children because drugs were more important to me. I was arrested for possession and enrolled in a drug diversion program. A week before I was supposed to graduate, I moved to California. Eventually, U.S. Marshals came and arrested me in front of my children. Despite all that turmoil, the drugs had a hold of me and would not let go. I didn’t know how to stop.

I spent 65 days at a local inpatient treatment facility, attending meetings and learning how to be a person again. I finally realized what the problem was. It was me. I know I can never safely use any mind-altering substances again without triggering my addiction. I started to apply what I learned in treatment to my life on a daily basis. 18 months into my recovery I was asked to be on the Board of Directors at Valley Camp. Serving on the Board allowed me to give back to the organization where I found recovery.

I recently celebrated 5 years free from drugs and alcohol. I am a Peer Support Specialist with Weber Human Services, helping homeless individuals get access to the programs and services they need to find their recovery.

My life is amazing today. I fell in love with an amazing woman. Making fun, clean memories with my children and family is very gratifying. I get to be present in my children’s lives every day! It has taken me 33 years to realize I have to be the one that puts in the work to get the rewards that life offers.

Lori Christensen

Lori Christensen voluntier for adicts needing options after prison program
I am considered a visionary, inspirationalist, and teacher. But above all, I consider myself a Mother, Grandmother and a part of Human Race. As a mother and a daughter of those that suffer from addiction, I have experienced a lifetime of the pain this brings to a family. I realize the importance of recovery and all that it encompasses. Through my own experiences and healing, I have committed myself to assisting others with the knowledge I have gained. I founded a public charity in order to provide a template that positively addresses the challenges of modern-day health and living through an integrated approach to living and Being that focuses on body, mind, and spirit. Through my own personal experiences, this is an approach that works and reduces the cost, pain, and stresses of each individual, community, government and our world. I have devoted my life to service through teaching, facilitating workshops and giving lectures for others so that all can connect and be aware of their true selves. I believe that we are all amazing beings with phenomenal gifts and that it is time to embrace who we really are both individually and as a unified group of Intelligent Spiritual Beings.